“Culture” is one of those hard to define concepts. We may all intuitively feel that culture has to do with traditions and beliefs and customs, but coming up with a clear-cut definition may be a challenge for most of us.

Is culture just a set of characteristics that defines a particular group of people, through their language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts? Is it a collection of shared patterns of behaviours and interactions, ways to understand and to (inter)act?

Whatever the definition of culture, it is clearly a way of sharing values and acting accordingly, respecting consistency and showing a fair deal of passion, while doing so.

At prime we feel our culture is undoubtedly the foundation for our company. In a hundred years from now, we may no longer be remembered for the operational excellence or the flawless management that formed the backbone of our congresses and events. So be it…

But we do believe that our urge to inspire, our passion to drive innovation and our relentless search for the best possible outcome (within the inevitable boundaries, let’s face it), will outlive us and leave a positive legacy for future organisers, to get inspired, and be inspirational.

Admittedly, the days where the economic pressure and growth expectations tend to take over from our core values, are numerous, and it is very tempting to give in and go for the “easy buck, no matter what”. However, by upholding our corporate values, we build a corporate environment that is the direct key to success. Indeed, the stronger the corporate culture, the less corporate processes a company needs. The stronger the corporate culture, the more you can trust people to “do the right thing”, because they believe in what they do, and are willing to stand up for it.

Problems and challenges are just temporary.
But culture is here to stay.
And so is ours.

That is why we always sign off with…

prime regards